ECMAScript Carousel

Native and Flexible Carousel Module


Using NPM:

npm i es-carousel


Downloading package: | es-carousel-1.0.2.tar.gz


This package is intended to be used as an ES6 module. So you can use one of the loading forms shown below:

As HTML script tag

<script href="node_modules/es-carousel/es-carousel.js" type="module" />


As JavaScript Module

import Carousel from '../node_modules/es-carousel/es-carousel.js'


Markup and classes required

The carousel element must contain a child element with class name carousel__container. Inside this element must exist an element with carousel__wrapper as class name. And the items must be child items of the carousel wrapper using class carousel__item.

Optionally the carousel can contain elements with carousel-controls__previous and carousel-controls__next classes to use in conjunction with the enableControls() method.

Markup Example:

Basic Example


